Thursday, January 1, 2009

This Year I Will

The list of things I plan to do this year:

~First up: I vow to not be so short tempered with my children. It's not their fault that I work with kids all day and have zero patience for their attitudes when we get home. I will take a deep breath, try and talk to them in a calm voice. Then if that doesn't work, I'll resort to yelling and screaming like a mad woman.

~Second: I won't talk shit or gossip about people anymore. Oh who the hell am I kidding, I wouldn't last a day. I won't talk as much shit or gossip about people as much as I did in 2008.

~Third: I'm going to write more on my blog. I love writing and writing on my blog is a good outlet for me. I love sharing stories about my crazy family and venting if I've had a bad day. I tend to get busy with life and neglect my writing. This year however I won't let that happen.

~Fourth: I'm going to get Bryan to take me on vacation somewhere other than Vegas. I love Vegas, but really I need to go somewhere else to get away and relax and forget about it all.

~Fifth: The last thing on my to do list for 2009 is to be happy. I tend to let little things bother me and get me all bent out of shape. I'm going to take things slow. Enjoy my family, my kids and my life.

Happy New Year!


Jess said...

I think that is a great list and I sincerely hope that all your hopes for the new year come true! (Except the gossip, you can call me and talk shit anytime you want, LOL)

Anonymous said...

yeah jenni, please, you're one of my favorite people to talk smack with!!! and i love your blog so i hope selfishly you do write more. happy 2009!

jae said...

A simple but deep list! I hope you are able to achieve all those things, especially the last one (you and me both). Happy New Year to you.

Alicia said...

I was all like, "What!?" at the second one. Talking shit is fun and theraputic (sp?). Glad to see you're not giving it up. heh heh.

I hope the list becomes a reality for you, Jenni. Happy New Year!